My Fried Hair

I visited a new hairstylist recently, excited for a small trim to clean up the ends of my hair. Instead, I found myself crying in my car afterward. Not because I didn’t like my cut or she messedĀ up my hair, but because I messed up my hair. Because I learned my hair was dead. Fried.ContinueContinue reading “My Fried Hair”

It’s Gonna Be May-hem

I wrote the following post for my church’s blog almost one year ago. Today, I already feel the effects of May-hem and we are only 20 hours in! I reflected on this post today and felt that I should repost and share again. This time last year, I was at my lowest point in ourContinueContinue reading “It’s Gonna Be May-hem”

What’s So Great About Hope?

I had read these verses many times before, but the first time I remember living them were in the weeks after Kris was first in the hospital. Stacey Thacker texted me Romans 5:3-5, and I honestly grimaced. I looked at this process of suffering to endurance, endurance to character, and character to hope and thoughtContinueContinue reading “What’s So Great About Hope?”

Better is Better

I was determined to do one fun outing over spring break. It had been a rough couple weeks: an epic stomach virus for my oldest then a flooded laundry room. Seriously. I can’t make this stuff up! Most of spring break was spent with ten industrial fans and two dehumidifiers running. Suffice to say myContinueContinue reading “Better is Better”