Our Greatest Need

Mornings in our house look more like herding cats. Getting lunch boxes and backpacks and breakfast and shoes and socks. Oh the socks.

One morning, while still upstairs, I reminded my son that he needed to bring his library book downstairs so he could return it that day. As all five us scurried about downstairs minutes later, I asked my daughter to put on her shoes. Meanwhile, I asked my oldest son where his library was? Can you guess? Upstairs.

My daughter started to scold her big brother about how he messed up, forgot his book, didn’t obey what mommy said.

As I began to remind her who the mommy was and that’s she was trying to do my job for me, I looked at her feet. Guess what was missing? Yep. Her shoes.

While scolding her brother for not listening to mommy, she herself was disobeying too.

I think Paul may have been feeling this way as he began his letter to the saints in Rome. Chapters 1-2 go well together because Paul is giving an argument to both parties. On one hand, you have Gentile believers who grew up in a culture of idol worship and sin. On the other, you have Jewish believers who grew up under the law. When these two cultures collided, it created strife and division over who’s way was right.

Paul shows them that they really aren’t so different after all.

What he does here in the beginning of Romans is level the playing the field. We are all the same in sin and the same in salvation. As Pastor David says, “The ground is level at the foot of the cross.” We all have the same great need in our lives: We need a Savior.

This week we memorized Romans 2:11 – For God shows no partiality.

I am not gonna lie – this week was hard for me. I don’t like to confront my own sin. I don’t like to admit weakness. But the truth is I am need Him as much you do. You need Him as much I do. We can’t save ourselves. We can’t work our way out of needing God.

One of my favorite things right now is getting together with women and talking about the Word. Bible Study shouldn’t be another stressful, to-do added to your long list. We want it to refresh and renew you. We want you to be drawn into community with other women around the Word.

That’s why my friend, Stacey Thacker, and I are doing these videos. We love getting together and talking about the Bible! We want you to join us too!

Click here to watch the Week 2 video.

Romans 1_2 Thumb0


Or Listen to the Audio Version:


For this Week:

  • Read Romans 3, focusing on Romans 3:19-26
  • Gather with some girlfriends and talk about what you read.
    • Discover: What three truths did you learn from this passage?
    • Discuss: As a group, walk through each phrase of verses 3:22-26. As you define the key words, which phrase resonates with you most?
    • Share: How does the gospel change the way we approach God?
  • Memorize Romans 3:23-24
  • Come back next week for Video 3.

One thought on “Our Greatest Need

  1. We have a story in our family when our two youngest were well the youngest was in diapers so that’s how old she was and the next one was just 18 months older. We could smell the diaper on the youngest and she was asked did you dirty your diaper? And her reply was “Faith did it”. At no older than 2 years old, are sweet adorable baby was blaming others and pointing fingers for what she had done. Of course starting a dipolar is not sin, but it showed us the truth of original sin and the truth of pointing fingers. One of the ladies in our group shared that she was reading in Genesis and it all of a sudden occur to her Adam, at the very beginning, when God said where are you Adam said the woman that you gave me made me eat! Pointing the finger at others is obviously assume that goes back to the beginning. It is obviously a sin that is so natural in our hearts. And I thank God that in Salvation we have been made new so that we can rise above This ugliness! Thanks for doing these videos and blogs!

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